Justin Bieber Is Going To Space?!

There are a LOT of people who are not big fans of Justin Bieber – I say, Justin is too OFFICIAL! (HAVE YOU HEARD HIM ON ASHER ROTH’S ACTIN UP?!) Just when everyone says that there were no fans like the ones who loved their boy-bands in the 90s, JB hit the scene and bought out a whole new batch of FANS! It’s no wonder, because Justin is doing BIG things…things like going into space. I’m so serious! Hit the jump for details.

Tech Talk Space: What Was Found On Mars?!?

Well, this is pretty crazy. After some hard-core researching by space buffs, they perhaps have been the first to discover life on Mars. Well technically the Curiosity rover found it. But they did point it out. Keep reading to find out what this mysterious life form was.

Check It Out: Take A Trip To Space With Which Popular Actor???

This is dope! A trip to space with Leonardo Dicaprio raised 1.5 Million this week for a charity. The funds will go to a AID’s research foundation. As for the man who won the trip in a bid of $1.5 million he will spend three days in training with Dicaprio before blast off. This is cool, now you can go to space and just chill if you got the mill’s to spend. Check out more on this story.

Space Plane Set To Take First Unmanned Test Flight

A Space Plane owned by a private company is slated to take its first test flight in the next 6-8 weeks. The plane will hopefully make roundtrip space missions making it easier for astronauts to get into space. The Dream Chaser spacecraft, built by Sierra Nevada Corp, is hoping to be the first aircraft to make that trip.

(Photos + Video) South Korea Launches Their Rocket Into Space!!!

Looks like NASA has some competition… South Korea successfully launched their rocket into space today for the first time. The Naro-1 rocket launched on the southern coast of South Korea and about an hour after the launch happened it was announced that it was successful! Click below for some amazing photos and a video of the launch.

The Endeavour Space Shuttle Reaches A New Home In Los Angeles

The retired space shuttle Endeavour reached a new home at about 10:45 a.m on Sunday at the California Science Center.  The shuttle will go on permanent display there on October 30.  Click below for the full story! DJ Matthew Tyler

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