(Video) Obama Statement on North Korea’s Sony Hack: I’m Still HNIC

BREAKING: Early morning Obama Statement on North Korea’s Sony Hack in that he understands the executive decisions Sony had to make regarding the cyber attack–which sent the online and news world reeling as well as shut down premieres around the country for “The Interview” movie this week. While acknowledging Sony had to handle their business he was quick to remind that as President he’s the TOP exec and in charge for a reason. In other words…*Flex voice* –FALL BACK!!!

(Video) U.S Asks China To Cut Off North Koreas Internet

U.S Asks China To Cut Off North Koreas Internet ? So Yesterday President Obama had said at a press conference that the U.S. would be taking steps to “instigate a proportional response” to North Korea for their confirmed cyber attack on Sony. American proportions are wider than most countries, so they are currently trying to react by putting a block on all the Internet access to North Korea.

Sony Hack Reveals James Bond Budget

Recent Sony hacs have brought emails to light that have reveal the budget crisis for the new James Bond Film.

(Photo) What?! Marvel Condemned For Sexist Spider-Woman Cover And Sinister Six To Be Next Big Franchise

Only a month after revealing that classic superhero, Thor, would be replaced by a female worthy to wield the hammer Marvel is now in deep water with media and fans over a sexualized cover of superheroine, Spider-Woman. Also, how will Marvel pull off an all villain cast in Sinister Six production? See more below!

8th Grade Metal Band From Brooklyn Lands Huge Record Deal!

Just three kids from Brooklyn who play heavy metal, just landed a major record deal after hitting it big at Coachella 2014.

(Video) E3 Game Play With “Battlefield Hardline” & MORE!!!

I could be wrong, but this year seems more exciting than last year, all that teasing instead of just showing the people what they wanted kinda back fired, but this year they’re just giving us the games, and we love it!!

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