In Monaco, a small country near southern France, a woman only drank soda for 16 years suddenly fainted. She was taken to a hospital, but what did her tests show??
In Monaco, a small country near southern France, a woman only drank soda for 16 years suddenly fainted. She was taken to a hospital, but what did her tests show??
Ok Shaq, we see you! Shaq tweeted yesterday that he has partnered with AriZona Beverage Company to release a soda line. Shaq’s new soda will be called Soda Shaq and will come in 4 different flavors (Strawberry Cream, Orange Cream, Vanilla Cream and Blueberry Cream). I can’t wait to see how it tastes. Check out the pictures of the cans after the jump…
What’s going on with New Yorkers health? Hit the jump for the full story!
These seven foods are proof that just because you’ve heard it’s healthy doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Nutritionist wouldn’t be caught dead eating items I thought were pretty healthy choices, you learn something new everyday. Check the gallery for some of the most unhealthy “health foods”. Hit the jump for more. PaulDaPro
Pepsi has launched a new version on it’s Japanese brand that claims it blocks fat using indigestible dextrin or dietary fiber. The brand pitched this as a healthy soda! Hit the jump for more. PaulDaPro
In the war of obesity, New York City’s Board of Health passed a rule banning the sale of big sodas and other sugary drinks at restaurants and other eateries. There is now a 16oz. limit on selling these beverages. Some are skeptical of this ruling which was proposed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg in the spring. Click below to read more. Jason J.