SMH! Bobby Brown Being Sent To Jail For WHAT?!

Bobby Brown has been sent to jail for 55 days for his third DUI. Brown received his latest DUI in October after driving recklessly and smelling of alcohol. When cops pulled him over they charged him with a DUI and driving with a suspended license. Today Bobby was convicted and sent to jail for 55 days, he was also given four years of probation. Click below for more details.

NBA: Dennis Rodman Thinks Being Sober Hurt His Job Prospects

Sabrina B. Bad boy Hall of Fame basketball player Dennis Rodman told ESPN that he became “unhirable” when he stopped drinking eight years ago — but his agent, Darren Prince, insists otherwise.

The Situation WILL Return For Season 6 Of Jersey Shore

Despite reports MTV was apprehensive about working with The Sitch again because of his alcoholism issue and subsequent need for sobriety, they have thrown caution to the wind and signed him on for another season of Jersey Shore. He has one small problem, however: a court date in the middle of the mandatory filming. Details below. Marisa Mendez

Drug Being Developed That Makes You Not Feel Drunk!

Reasearchers at Yale university are developing a drug that helps people not get the feeling of being drunk.  Iomazenil, is being tested on people for its effects and what type of results they might receive from this new development. You might be thinking, what would even be the point of drinking without feel drunk or wouldn’t I drink more?  Well hit the jump to see why this pill it is being developed. @stephlivsfreely

Casey Anthony ‘Broke, Sober & Unemployed’ Say Probation Officers As She Faces $517k In Charges

Casey Anthony is unemployed, has not consumed alcohol or drugs and not made any money over the past month her probation officers have revealed, as a judge decides if she should pay $517,000 for the investigation to find her missing daughter. Continue reading after the jump. @capriSUNshine

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