(Video) Draya Michele Talks With Paparazzi About Losing The Baby Weight

Draya Michele shed all of her baby weight in less than 3 weeks, and she’s rightfully proud of it! Talking to paparazzi outside of Revolt’s studios today, the model/designer/reality star explained her technique – but she did reveal a plan that Orlando might not love. Find out what she said below!

Hatwear: Trap America Snapback by Marco Frabotti – Available Now

Marco Frabotti knows about “Trap America” and he wanted to introduce the world to trap america. The snapback is featured in black and reads “Trap America”, very eye-catching hat wear. The snapback is only available at the designers official website. Hit the jump for more detailed pics of the Trap America snapback and to purchase you may from the brands official website here.

Hatwear: Free The Wave Snapback by GSD Clothing

Hatwear: The LOLA Original Snapback

The Lola Original hatwear caught my eye and I felt it was only right to aware the people about such a limited item. The Lola original snapback features a classic LOLA New York (two birds) logo on the front and “Cradle 2 Grave” on the back. The snapback comes in either black or white and is available all you need to do is contact the owner by email at emmett@lolanewyork.com. The snapbacks will be back in full re-stock in early 2014 and will be available online. Hit the jump to check out more detailed pics of the Lola Original Snapback.

Fitted Of The Day: Crooks & Castles Greco Logo Strapback Hat In Gray Fabric/Gold

Today’s choice for “Fitted Of The Day” is a snapback by streetwear brand Crooks & Castles. The hat is a dark gray fabric material with a black brim, a gold Fendi inspired logo sits in the center to complete it. If your digging this cap, pick one up now for $40 via Snaphats.com. Hit the jump to check out some more pics…

Fashion: Rep Where You’re From With The Stampd Fall 13′ East/West Snapbacks

Stampd LA may be based on the West coast, but that don’t mean they show us East Coast folk no love. Everytime they put something out for the Westside, they included the East also. Perfect example is the new snapbacks dropping in a couple days. Check out the East & West snapbacks in white with a black lambskin brim. Under the brim on the West one, is says “Los Angeles” and under East “New York”. Only 100 pieces of each will be available!! They are available NOW via Stampdla.com. Good luck! Hit the jump to get a detailed look at both hats…

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