Civilians Cut Penis Off Man Accused Of Sexually Abusing Child

A 66 year old man accused of sexually abusing a three year old, was found on the side of the road with severely injured, with his penis cut off!

Power Plant Implosion Leaves A Man’s Leg Severed?!?

Spectators watched as an old power plant in California’s Central Valley went down in demolition. Five people were injured in the implosion, and it left one man with a severed leg? Hit the jump for more details.

(Video) WTF Is Going On In Chicago…18 Severed Heads Found At The Airport !?!?

If this isn’t some real life “8 Heads In A Duffle Bag” Joe Pesci type madness. 18 heads with the skin still attached was found by customs at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport. The heads came from a research facility in Rome on a Lufthansa Airlines flight. It’s being said that the heads are going to the medical examiner’s office so that they can check to see if the heads were involved in any crime. Now, my question is if this is something “INNOCENT” why hasn’t anyone claimed their luggage of heads ??? Crazy. Drop down bottom for more. JaaiR (JR)

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