While in Atlanta for the BET Awards, MMG filmed SIX music videos this weekend…SIX!! Crazy. Anyways, check out some photos on the set of the highly anticipated Meek Mill and Young Chris “House Party” music video after the jump!! Wendy L.
While in Atlanta for the BET Awards, MMG filmed SIX music videos this weekend…SIX!! Crazy. Anyways, check out some photos on the set of the highly anticipated Meek Mill and Young Chris “House Party” music video after the jump!! Wendy L.
Check out some leaked footage from The Dark Knight Rises set in LA, showing what looks like the aftermath of a tunnel explosion. This movie should be pretty dope! Marisa Mendez
Last month when Ashton Kutcher brought his super-trailer on the set of Two & A Half Men, there were reports that staff and co-workers were pretty annoyed with the monstrosity. But now, after getting an inside look at thing, I would be hating too!! Hit the jump to see what Kutcher’s supercharged home on wheels looks like!! @ItsLukieBaby