Harry Potter fans get ready! Curator J.K. Rowling has revealed that she will be reeling Harry Potter Fans in with her upcoming film Trilogy, focusing on a time before Harry Potter existed!
Harry Potter fans get ready! Curator J.K. Rowling has revealed that she will be reeling Harry Potter Fans in with her upcoming film Trilogy, focusing on a time before Harry Potter existed!
I couldn’t wait to get up and check this out on HBOGo this morning, but if you don’t have access to the ‘Go’, but since then HBO put the episode on their YouTube page, so enjoy!!!
50 Cent is gearing up to release an executively produced, action and drama filled series on the STARZ network titled none other than “Power”. Although he is executively producing, 50 has also provided a cameo within the new show! Check out the introduction to “Power” series, a world filled with business, street smarts and an overall want for it all, below!
The Veronica Mars teaser offers old fans and new a thrilling introduction to Neptune and the young yet savvy, private investigator! Jump into the past, with the trailer of the anticipated Veronica Mars movie, below.