(Video + Photos) Obama Calls Who “The Best Looking”?!?

Sometimes people forget that while Obama is the President, he is also a man. At a fundraising event in San Francisco for the Democratic Party, Obama praised the California attorney general Kamala Harris, saying “You have to be careful to, first of all, say she is brilliant and she is dedicated and she is tough, and she is exactly what you’d want in anybody who is administering the law, and making sure that everybody is getting a fair shake,” Obama said. “She also happens to be, by far, the best looking attorney general in the country. It’s true! C’mon.” LOL I wonder what Michelle said! Check out the video and pictures of Kamala Harris after the jump.

(Video) Jello Pudding Commercial Promises Free Pudding To San Francisco This Tuesday LOL

SMH! This is too funny. Even though the 49ers didn’t win the game, they won something even better…well depending who you ask lol. Jello Pudding has promised to deliver free pudding to residents of San Francisco this tuesday as a consolation prize for losing the Super Bowl. It doesnt’t get too specific as to where, but they make sure to put up the caption “while supplies last”. Watch the video after the jump.

San Francisco Votes To Ban Public Nudity -Protesters Get Naked @ City Hall Meeting

San Francisco is known for having free spirit habits. Private nudity to some people in the area are ways to express themselves and their rights. On Tuesday there was a meeting to vote to ban public nudity. Half a doze protesters stood proud in the nude to make a point. Unfortunately that didn’t do too much for them considering that they were out voted 6-5. Starting Feb 1 the policy will stop nudists from having private parts open to the public almost everywhere expect for pre approved parades and street fairs. Biz Baby

Joe Budden Finds Concert Attendee Talking Crap On Twitter & Kicks Her Out (She’s BAD Too…Check The Pics!)

“It’s just Twitter,” says everyone…though they know they never mean that. Last night turned out to be an interesting one on the social network, after Joe Budden kicked a young woman out of his concert in the Bay Area after she’d sent a barrage of tweets dissing him before the show and while there. The interesting part is, she never @’d him in her tweets. Meaning…he had to have been searching his name. Or, was she already cool with people in his camp? As you’ll see in the gallery, she was tweeting with one of Joey’s good friends/a guy that’s on tour with him…Ice. So though yes, he does search his name (we knew this already), it’s possible that Ice saw the tweets and alerted Joe. Either way, the topic that’s been debated on Twitter since the incident…was he wrong and “corny” for doing so? I say no. This isn’t bias because that’s my guy, let me make that clear! I look at it like this: she definitely wasn’t a FAN…she made that very clear on Twitter. She didn’t want to be there, and she’s likely going to be one of those people that while others are turnt up, singing along with you…she’ll be sitting there with her arms folded, looking like she had a gun to her head to be there. Liken it to having a house party. It’s YOUR party, right? What if one of your friends brings one of their friends, and that person is on their Twitter, talking crap about you,…

(Video)Fight For Your Right… To Be Naked??

A group of protestors stripped their clothes in order to fight for their right to be able to remain naked in public. The city of San Francisco is attempting to pass a law that would prohibit people from being naked in public and flamboyant San Fran residents would not let that go down! Hit the jump to see someone strip at court! Steph B

(Video & Pics) MLB: Fans Riot In San Francisco After World Series!

I guess Giants fans just couldn’t contain their excitement?!  smh. After the Giants swept the Tigers to win the 2012 World Series, fans in San Francisco celebrated with fire and rioting!  Some of more rambunctious fans “set off fireworks, lit bonfires and climbed atop Muni buses or any car that happened to be at hand.” GameTimeGirl

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