Dior Homme Flagship Store To Open In San Francisco

Despite the recent price increases, and the ongoing debate as to who will take over the Dior Homme design team, Dior continually puts out spectacular men’s collections. Joining the Dior Homme boutiques in NYC and Beverly Hills, San Francisco will be the third freestanding retail location. The store has a simple yet bold look, similar to that of their garments. Hit the jump to check it out. @steveisDOPE   x @DJJUANYTO

Tech Talk New: San Francisco Mayor Says To #Occupy Apple!!!

Willie Brown, mayor of San Francisco has some advice for the #Occupy movement. Check out his column he posted after the jump. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk Web: Pastmapper Takes You Back To The Future???

Pastmapper is a NEW website using Google Maps coding(an API) is taking Older Maps of cities and let you essentially Visit the Past digitally. Hit the Jump if you’re interested in this type of time travel. +TatWZA

San Francisco Becomes First U.S. City to Top $10 Minimum Wage

The city’s hourly wage for its lowest-paid workers will hit $10.24, more than $2 above the California minimum wage and nearly $3 more than the working wage set by the federal government. @WiLMajor

Tech Talk News: Man Claims Police Impersonators Searched Home For Lost Prototype iphone 5

A Bernal Heights man claims six men claiming to be San Francisco Police searched his home in July alleging they had traced a prototype next-gen iPhone to the location, this according to a reportfrom SFWeekly. This comes after a report from CNET yesterday detailing the story but claiming police and Apple employees were actually involved. San Francisco police later denied the incident. @TatWZA @YungJohnybravo

Tech Talk News: Hacktivists Share Pride in San Francisco

Hackers target San Francisco BART public transit website, making it the #1 hacking target! Don’t judge so fast. It’s only because San Fran tried to shut down cell phone service to prevent protests. Hey, Cali, this is America (not London.) We roll with freedom of speech after the jump. Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X Emma Rabid

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