Samsung’s Multi-Proof Pocket Camera!!!

Just because Cisco shut down the Flip cam because Smartphones does what it does, doesn’t mean other companies don’t want to produce cam’s, And Samsung has produced a tough little cam in the W200 Pocket Cam, hit the jump to find out what Multi-proof is! @TatWza

Apple Sues Samsung Over Patents!!

Apparently Apple has gotten around to being tight that Samsung has used the same design as the iPhone, so they are going the American way and Suing! Compare for yourself after the Jump, and tell me what you think! @TatWza

Galaxy Tab 2 Is Super Thin Too!!!

Ok this Galaxy 2 Tab is kinda thin!! I mean they were kind complaining when iPad 2 came out about How Thin the Apple product was, now either they redesigned or they had this card up there sleeve, because this is as thin as, and just as powerful, and priced perspectively the same, So now I’m really confused on which way to go!! @TatWza

Android Phones: There Can Only Be 1!!!

There are truly a lot of choices out there when it comes to Android phones, and the latest, the HTC Sensation thinks it’s ready to show them something! Hit the Jump! @TatWza

Battle Of The 3D Glasses!!!

Samsung Recently Announced they are dropping there extra 3D Glasses to $50 a pair(previously $130 a pair) which is great news, or is it, Hit the Jump to see what other TV Companies are Charging Now. @TatWza

Samsung Galaxy 2 To Get Hardware Upgrade Before Release!!

Yes this is good news, but with all good news comes a bit of bad news, and You’ll have to hit the Jump to see what all of it is. @TatWza

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