Tech Talk News: Samsung: “We Will Never Settle With Apple. Ever”

After settling patent issues with HTC, it was assumed that Apple would pursue the same agreements with other companies as well. However, the Samsung CEO basically gave a “hell no” to the situation. More in the link. Tat Wza

Tech Talk Video: Overly Attached Computer Feat. Creepy Girl

So Samsung has gone out and got  internet girl Laina Morris of “Overly Attached Girlfriend” fame.  This spot Laina and Samsung put together is scary as Laina comes off creep like in the spot.  This is a one and done watch. Check out the video after the break. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Tough!!! Samsung Galaxy Camera To Sell In The US On November 16th For….???

The Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) ran Galaxy Camera that was introduced earlier this year is finally coming out this Friday for a whopping $500 off-contract. It connects to AT&T’s “4G” network with the normal data plan pricing structure. AT&T is willing to take off $100 if you buy it with a Galaxy phone though. Got my hands on it at the Galaxy Note II event a couple weeks back. It’s nice!! Tat Wza

Tech Talk Mobile: Samsung’s Galaxy SIII Dethrones Apple’s iPhone

The iPhone killer that iPhone haters waited for is finally here, or as Samsung says “The next big thing is already here” .  Samsung has now taken the throne with it’s Galaxy SIII. As the best selling smartphone this year. Could this be the start of Apple’s downfall with the iPhone? Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Samsung Moves 3 Million Galaxy Note 2 Devices In 1 Month

It’s only been a month and Samsung announced today that their  Galaxy Note 2 has sold a little bit 3 million units. Not bad for a smartphone going against phones like the iPhone 5.  Samsung’s hybrid smartphone is becoming a hit with consumers, and now selling faster then the og model. Congrats to Samsung. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk Samsung: Galaxy Note 2 Stolen From Malaysian Airport

After announcing their Galaxy  Note 2, Samsung’s new device was stolen in a Malaysian airport. It’s estimated that 1400 devices were stolen. And according to Samsung the stolen smart phones are worth $1 million, so the thieves could make a killing on the black market. The Malaysian police currently have no leads so it looks like Samsung may lose out on the devices. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

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