T-Mobile Drops Price Of Samsung Galaxy SIII to What!?!

Looks like Best Buy has a hot deal for T-Mobile customers running Monday & Tuesday, December 3-4! Both the 16gb and 32gb models are on sale. Hit the jump for the offer details… Tat Wza

Tech Talk News: Samsung Workers Only Get 1 Day Off A Month!!!!

Man the press is unkind to Samsung today, according to many sources Samsung’s working conditions are not great in China and they are coming under fire for it. The crazy thing is Samsung admitted to the crazy work conditions and they seem to be ok with it. I’m sure some of the work conditions will have to change or labor law Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Apple Gets Samsung Devices Banned In The Netherlands !!

In another win for Apple against Samsung, Apple wins a court case against Samsung in the Netherlands. The win bans certain Samsung devices.  I never understand these kinds of cases when the courts ban devices that are 2 or 3 years old. At this point no one wants them so whats the point. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Apple Drops Samsung As Battery And Chip Supplier!!!

Apple has delivered another blow to Samsung, Apple has dropped Samsung as a chip and battery supplier.  The word is Apple is looking to distance themselves from the technology giant.  I’m sure Samsung will find a way to retaliate. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Samsung And Apple Both Do The Same Thing….Break The Law???

Looks like Apples not the only one under the gun for issues with their manufacturer. A month or so ago Apples primary manufacturer, Foxconn, was dealing with physical altercations and riots on premises for over a month. With the time consuming process of putting these phones together crossed with the demand for the need ASAP causes issues on the back end. Hit the jump for an explanation. Tat Wza

Tech Talk News: Who’s Apple’s New Go-To Supplier??

Most people (including myself) thought Samsung was a major supplier of parts when it came to Apple’s idevices.  For new devices like Apple’s iPad mini, the display used was’nt from Samsung but from a competitor of both Apple and Samsung find out who after the break. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

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