Tech Talk News: Apple See’s All Time High In Mobile Market, Samsung Right Behind

According to some new data by Kantar Worldpanel ComTech, Apple’s mobile share has reached an all time high in the United States.  According to Kantar,  Apple’s share is now 53.3% . The share shot up  after Apple released its iPhone 5 back in Oct.  Things are  little different overseas as Samsung is the current leader after they released their GS III this year and seen more growth over the last 12 weeks and now they’ve captured 44.3% share of the European smartphone market with Apple coming in second.  Things will be looking better in 2013 as Samsung looks to launch their most anticipated phone the GS IV. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Korean Company Brings 3K Jobs To The States

Everything’s bigger in Texas, and if it’s not we’ll make it bigger. Samsung has an existing memory chip facility in Austin that is at minimal productivity at the moment. They’ve been in talks with the powers that be of the state of Texas to schedule a major renovation that will guarantee jobs for Americans. What started in 2006, will be expanded to carry a product line of processors which should be complete by the second half of 2013. Jump for details of the expansion. Tat Wza

Tech Talk News: Samsung To Display Flexible Screen At CES

CES is a month away, and the word is Samsung plans on showing off what they been working on with their flexible screen technogly. Engadget is reporting that everyone shouldn’t be excited since the flexible glass is still in its developmental stages. They are also reporting that what Samsung is show is “merely a component that could one day find its way into a smartphone, rather than a finished product that’s meant for consumers.” Either way the days of cracked Samsung screens are almost over. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

EU Stops Samsung From Patent Raid

In a country where competition is heavily prevalent, many companies are forced to go to extremes to set themselves away from the others. It’s not always easy to compete with competition, especially when they’re a billion-dollar company who makes leading technology products. Samsung’s attempt to patent-block companies came up as a big FAIL! Story after the jump… Tat Wza

Tech Talk Rumors: Samsung Should Have Unbreakable Smartphone Screens By Summer

We got word a few weeks ago that Samsung would be developing a smartphone that would have an unbreakable screen. Then some Analysts said that Samsung wouldn’t have anything in the works for a year or 2 for the public. Now a RBC Analyst says Samsung should have that technology out by next summer. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Samsung Now The World Leader In Mobile Shipments

Samsung is now the new king of hill when it comes to worldwide shipments. Samsung has bumped Nokia as the leader in world shipments . Nokia held the title for 14 long years, and with the success of the recent Samsung releases and decline in whatever Nokia is putting out it was in due time that Samsung took over. After the break check out the chart of world mobile shipments. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

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