Samsung Leaks iPad Mini Rival

As we all know Samsung is out for world domination and looking to take out Apple as the top company. So far Samsung has given Apple a run for its money when it comes to the mobile market. Now Samsung is looking to do the same in the mini Tablet market. A new image has leaked of Samsung’s rival tablet that will go head to head with the iPad mini.  Check out the leaked image after the break. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Samsung Plans on Stealing 7 Inch Tablet Market From Google

Sammy is looking to take everyone out of business word on the interblocks is Samsung is planning on releasing a new 7 inch Tablet to rival Google’s Nexus 7 Tablet. The Tablet is set to launch this year starting at just $149, which is more than affordable. By releasing a Tablet at that price Samsung can steal that affordable Tablet market from Google. Samsung is looking to dominate all avenues and markets. Before the year is said and done Samsung is looking to move some 40 million tablets in 2013 a figure which is more than obtainable. Yungjohnybravo x TatWZA

Alleged Picture Of The Galaxy S IV Leaks!!!!

Earlier today news broke about the possible release and announcement of the Galaxy SIV. And now we have alleged pics of the device. Check out the device after the break. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Samsung Ready To Announce Samsung Galaxy S IV Release Date !!!

The news Galaxy fans been waiting for, the announcement of the Galaxy S IV and its release date. According to  Asia new Samsung will announce the release date of the SIVat it’s  upcoming press conference. And that press conference is slated on March 22.  So far the rumored specs for the device is  4.99-inch 1080p full-HD display, a 1.8GHz 8-core Exynos 5 Octa processor and a 13-megapixel rear camera. Nothing confirmed from Samsung of course but you know with all the rumors the info can’t be that off.  Sam mobile also suggested that the smartphone should drop somewhere around April, until then stay tuned. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Samsung Cancels Plans For a Windows RT Tablet

Trying to ride off the wave from Samsung, Microsoft was in talks with Samsung to release a windows device in 2013 for the United States Market  but the bad news came earlier today when Samsung announced they would no longer have plans on releasing the previously announced the ATIV Tab, a 10.1-inch tablet, in so many words Samsung believes the idea of marketing a windows device to consumers would be a hassle and cost too much money at the end of the day.  What does this mean for Microsoft?? They are now stuck with a flagship device that isn’t moving units. Riding the back of Samsung could have enticed people to jump on the Windows RT train, but now those plans have been derailed. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Amazon and Samsung Dominate Android Tablet Market

To no ones surprise Amazon and Samsung are leading the way in the tablet market, have you seen other companies Andorid tablets. There has to be hundreds of Android tablets but oblously Amamazon and Samsung are the way to go since they are built with better quality and rival Apple’s iPad and iPad mini. Also within in the last month Samsung saw a growth of 214% in the mobile market. After the break check out the chart of Androids dominance. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

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