Galaxy IV To Feature Eye-Tracking Control

Unlike some other companies, i’m going to name any names but Samsung is looking to innovate in the smartphone market. Word on the street, Samsung looking to intergrate eye-tracking tech and touch technogily with its GS IV. And that might not be it, according to The New York Times earlier today the company has some other things ready to go with it’s new device. According to the Times “he or she detailed new eye-tracking technology that allows the user to scroll through pages without having to tough or tilt the phone at all — pages will scroll automatically as the user’s eyes move down the screen.” The new feature off course will be revealed at the announcement of the device.

Samsung Dropping How Many Versions of The Galaxy IV??

Samsung is looking to unviel their new deivce the Galaxy SIV in about 2 weeks. Now taking things up a notch to beat out Apple. It was revealed that Apple would release 3 iPhones in 2013. Now to take away Apple’s thunder Samsung is looking to drop 6 different versions of the Galaxy SIV. All variants having the option to have to three different size capacities: 16GB, 32GB, and the much-discussed 64GB, this all according to an insider close to the situation. The rumored spec out the box according to the same insiders says the device should come stacked with 4.99-inch, 1080p screen, an Exynos 5 eight-core processor, 2GB of RAM, a 13-megapixel rear-facing camera, and 2-megapixel front-facing shooter. “We were bombarded with requests from U.S. mobile carriers to unveil the Galaxy S IV in the country,” Reuters quoted Samsung mobile chief JK Shin as saying an interview with Korean news site eDaily in Seoul.

Who Did Samsung Hire???

In a turn of events, the Judge in England who forced Apple to give Samsung a public apology last summer has been hired by Samsung. The judge retired back in 2011 however former Judges in London can be invited to sit in on case. In the Apple case the judge claimed the Galaxy Tab did not look like Apples iPad which turned into Apple losing the case. Samsung has hired the former Judge to assist with its various patent battles with Apple and other high end cases.

Samsung Invites Everyone To Galaxy SIV Unveiling

  Samsung is ready to launch its Galaxy SIV next month. They will be unveiling the smartphone at Radio Muic city Hall, but if your not apartof the press you can witness the unveiling at Time Square, as the company has invited everyone to witness their new device. Samsung has’nt revealed the specs for their device but the rumored specs are rumored to be “1.8GHz eight-core Exynos 5 Octa processor (or a Snapdragon chipset, according to recent rumors) along with a 4.99-inch 1080p full HD display, a 13-megapixel rear camera, 2GB of RAM, 4G LTE connectivity, a micro SD slot, wireless charging capabilities and Android 4.2 Jelly Bean.” Peep the invite after the break.

Samsung Borrows Wallet From Apple (Video)

Looks like Samsung just borrowed another idea from its rival Apple. Samsung just annouced at MWC its new feature Wallet, which is similar to Apple’s Passbook app for iOS. Just like Passbook, Wallet stores tickets, membership cards, boarding passes and coupons in one easy to access location. Watch the video after break.

Connecticut Firm Says Blackberry Has 90% Chance of Flopping !!

The mobile market is still on the fence about the new BB10 devices, and what to think of them. It took an entire year for Blackberry to release a new device, and it that time the likes of Samsung have reign over the smartphone market and niched themselves as a contender against the iPhone with their popular Galaxy devices. MKM Partners in Connecticut believe that the new BB10 has a 90% chance of being a big flop and chances are they could be right. With 3 iPhoned dropping this year and Samsung gearing up to release their highly anticipated Galaxy S IV the chances of Blackberry surviving is very slim“We have been testing the Z10 and like the operating system, especially the touchscreen BB10 keyboard predictive text functionality, but we do not think it is differentiated enough to save the brand,” Genovese wrote. “The Z10 hardware seems bulky and heavy, but the biggest problem by far is the lack of available applications for BB10.”

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