(Video) Small Child Learns How To Fire A Grenade Launcher!!!

Wow. This is pretty crazy. Here’s a video showing Libyan rebels teaching a small child how to fire a Rocket Propelled Grenade off of a beach. Check it out after the jump.

(Video) Watch Dogs Might Be The Most Tech Advanced Game EVER!!!!

This new gameplay trailer shows just how innovative this title is!! It’s like a mix of Saints Row, GTA, Assasin’s Creed, a little COD, even some Titan Fall in there, but all with the use of technology in today’s real life world, INCREDIBLE!!

(Graphic*18+*Video) Talk About Brutal….Man Executed By RPG

The Taliban is one Heinous Group, Mostly known for decapitating their victim’s, this time they killed someone from yards away, via a Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher…Extreme!!

(Video) Tech Talk Gaming: Bethesda Adding Over 200 Kinect Voice Commands To Skyrim!!

I do not use my Kinect that much but more game have been integrating voice commands into gameplay like Mass Effect 3. Well Skyrim is getting an upgrade with Kinect next. Hit the jump for details. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

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