Update! Man Is Too Fat To Be Executed !?!?

Ronald Post, an Ohio man is set to be executed on Jan. 16th for killing a hotel desk clerk. Post’s attorneys are trying to stop the execution from happening due to his weight. I’m against the death penalty, but if you were going to come up with an excuse to stop it, why would you use the fact that you’re too fat as the ULTIMATE excuse? Especially, since 200 of those pounds were gained during your bid in jail. You’ve been there since 1983, I know they got treadmills or something in the jailhouse. Assistant Attorney General Charles Wille said, in court papers, that Post has not obtained enough evidence as to his obesity being a risk for a “HUMANE” execution. This story is the pits. Next thing you know, all the skinny people are going to start a riot wondering why they can’t get a pass. Drop down bottom for more. JaaiR (JR)

Obese Inmate Faces Torturous Death Penalty

Ronald Post, an Ohio inmate who weighs 480 pounds, killed a hotel clerk almost 30 years ago. He is set to face the death penalty in January, but there has been arguments that his weight, vein access, scar tissue, depression, and several other medical problems will cause his executions severe problems. Click below to read more. Jason J.

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