Tech Talk Politics: Ron Paul Launches Campaign Against Internet Regulation!

Internet privacy, piracy, and regulation has been a major concern for the past few years. Well presidential candidate hears your concerns and started a campaign for internet freedom. Check out Ron Paul new campaign after the jump. ShottaDru X TatWza

(Video) Ron Paul Has A Challenge For The Candidates

76-year-old GOP Candidate Ron Paul has a challenge for his competitors. Paul has faced criticism for his age but says fellow GOP candidates should partake in a 25-mile bike ride in the Texas heat. Hit the jump for the video! Funk Flex Find Flex On Google+

Senator Ran Paul Detained By T.S.A.

Senator Rand Paul (son of Presidential hopeful Ron Paul) was stopped by security at the Nashville airport Monday when a scanner set off an alarm and Paul declined to allow a security officer to subsequently pat him down. Check the jump for the full story! @DJMatthewTyler

(Video) Is Ron Paul’s Stance On Foreign Policy Dangerous?

With ideas such as normalizing relations with Cuba, and ending sanctions in Iran; Ron Paul’s viewpoints have certainly generated heated debate amongst GOP candidates. He has even been deemed “A dangerous president” and “Totally outside the mainstream of America” by other GOP contenders. While I neither agree nor disagree with his policies, Ron’s Advisor Doug Weed spoke out in a recent Fox News interview, defending his candidate. Hit the jump. @steveisDOPE

Ron Paul Wins Iowa Straw Poll

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul won a straw poll of Iowa voters Saturday, beating out his fellow GOP contenders by a huge margin. More after the jump! Funk Flex Find Flex on Google +

(Video) Ron Paul Says There’s No Need For Federal Response To Irene

Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul has said that “there’s no magic about FEMA.” Paul has also stated that he sees no need for federal response in dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Irene. Paul, who lives in Texas, says that he deals with hurricanes all the time and says FEMA is just a “great contribution to deficit financing.” Watch his statement after the jump. @Julie1205

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