Let me start off by saying that I have tremendous respect and admiration for any of our service men and women in the armed forces. But this dude here is nothing more than a punk who was probably put in time out too much as a kid. According to reports, the marine who goes bonkers was driving like an ass, swerving in and out of traffic, cutting people off and hitting his brakes alot. One of those moves caused this innocent brother and sister to hit the marine from behind. It was a very small fender bender if anything because you can see there is barely any damage. The psycho marine decides this is the time to be a tough guy and get out and threaten the 2 in the car behind him. He kicks their vehicle multiple times, threatens the woman in the car who actually happens to also be a marine who was wounded in action just like him and she is in the car with her brother who is also her caretaker. What type of man is this marine? Seems like the type who was always picked on and a punk earlier in life and is trying to compensate for it. He goes on a rampage without being provoked one time. I respect how calm the brother in the driver seat was during this incident. I would love to see his face when he found out the woman he was trying to attack and threaten was also a marine. Next…