3,000 Rioters Arrested in London!!

Riots continue in London. While U.K. media tries to ignore the story, it is not for lack of interesting facts. 3,000 people were arrested! Find out why after the jump. Emma RABID

London Riots: UK Gangs Are Center Of Attention In Dealing With The 2011 London Riots

The Burger Bar Boys. The Cash or Slash Money Crew. The Bang Bang Gang. These names sound straight out of a dime-store novel, but they’re real-life Birmingham gangs some of the underground armies that spearheaded England’s worst riots in a generation. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. @WiL

1,900 Arrested in Britain Riots

As London still deals with aftermath of its riots, more than 1,900 people have been arrested (a majority in London) and are facing charges as British police continue their efforts in bringing all those responsible for the rampaging to justice.  Read the full story after the jump!! @ItsLukieBaby

Tech Talk News: UK PM Proposes Banning Facebook And Twitter

The UK riots currently heard around the world may get the cone of silence. The UK Prime Minister wants to keep what his London police do a secret from the rest of the world. So, he proposed to cut off Londers’ access to facebook and twitter. Either way, something is about to blow up. Details after the jump. Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X Emma Rabid

Olympic Ambassador Threw Bricks At Police Car During Riots, Then Mom Gives Her Up

An Olympics ambassador allegedly hurled bricks at a police car and led an attack on a mobile phone store during the riots. Chelsea Ives, 18, was today revealed as a riot suspect – after being reported to police by her mother. Funk Flex

Prime Minister Cameron Vows To ‘Restore Law & Order’ After Days Of Riots

Prime Minister David Cameron insisted Wednesday, saying police would take all steps available to stop days of rioting. “We will do whatever is necessary to restore law and order onto our streets,” Cameron said in an address to the nation. “Nothing is off the table. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. @WiL

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