Rick Santorum Suspends Campaign For 2012 Republican Nomination

Rick Santorum, the conservative former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania, bowed out of the race for the GOP nomination Tuesday — but not from the fight to unseat President Obama. Click below to read the rest of the story. @WiLMajor

(NSFW Video) Porn Stars Against Santorum

A while back, I told you that Rick Santorum vowed to attack the porn industry if he was elected. Now several porn stars have made a PSA urging a strike against Santorum but ironically urging to vote for him because they believe that President Obama will crush him during the primary elections. The language in the video is a little NSFW! Watch it below. Julie1205

Rick Santorum Promises War On Porn If Elected!

Presidential hopeful, Rick Santorum, has vowed that if he is elected he will start a war with the porn industry! Santorum claims that porn “contributes to misogyny and violence against women. It is a contributing factor to prostitution and sex trafficking.” Currently there are federal laws against the distribution of hardcore porn, but the laws aren’t strictly enforced and Santorum promises to change that. I’m sure his promise has cost him more than a few votes, especially from people in the porn industry! Read more below. Julie1205

(Video) Occupy Charleston Glitter Bomb Rick Santorum

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum got quite the surprise on Saturday which finishing his speech in Charleston, South Carolina. As if placing third in the South Carolina primary wasn’t enough, Santorum was glitter bombed by Occupy Charleston protestors. This isn’t the first time that Santorum was hit by glitter, he got the same treatment in Iowa just two days before. Glitter is probably the most annoying thing in the world to try to get off of skin and clothing so I’m sure he didn’t just laugh it off!  Read more and see a video of the “glitter bomb” after the jump. Julie1205

GOP Presidential Hopefuls To Be Left Off Virginia Ballot

In a shocking turn of events, a Federal Judge has blocked the motions of 4 GOP candidates to be on the upcoming Virginia ballot.  Hit the jump for the full story. Funk Flex Find Flex on Google +

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