(Video) Waka Flocka Hires His Blunt Roller!!!?

CTFU – Waka Flocka, you are something else! This got to be the funniest s**t from a rapper, I’ve ever seen. Waka Flock Flame continues his hunt to hire a full-time blunt roller. Yes, he’s dead a** serious. As he hangs around the Funny or Die office, the Flockaveli rapper reviews resumes on his quest for a partner in crime. Hit the jump for more.

(Video) Man Changed His Name From José To Joe & Job Offers Start Pouring In!

A man named José Zamora changed his name to Joe on his resume in order to get a job. Soon after he changed his name the offers started pouring in. Check out the video and read more on the story after the jump!

NBA: WTH?! Delonte West Needs A Job! Shares His ‘Resamay’ For Teams On Twitter

Earlier this week the Mavs waived Delonte West after he was suspended from the team twice in one month.  Delonte has now taken it upon himself to  find a new home.  He sent out numerous tweets about his ‘Resamay’ hoping a team will pick him up.  smh.  Check it out… GameTimeGirl

WOW, Check Out What This Guy Put On His Resume!

There are certain things that you just should not be putting on a resume and being a drug dealer is one of them, but this guy believes otherwise. The job posting was for an on-site technician, but the man posting his resume felt that his experience running his own business would help him nail the job. At the top of the resume, he wrote that he couldn’t compete with college degrees but he fully understood supply and demand in today’s economy Sadly for him, he was not qualified for the job and being a drug dealer didn’t help his cause although it didn’t hurt it. Read what he wrote below Julie A.

Tech Talk Jobs: Forget Your Resume, Solve A Puzzle Then Get Hired??

Quixey does not want rummage through a bunch of resumes to get great talented people for their company they actually give you a puzzle challenge. Weird right? Sounds cool though. Check out the full story after the jump. ShottaDru X TatWza

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