Here we go again. S* is getting ridiculous!!! Kevin Clash, (the ORIGINAL voice of Elmo before quitting) has had another person file a lawsuit on him for having an underage sexual encounter with him. This is what I want to know…WHERE WERE YOUR PARENTS, when you had this man flying you out to live with him OR having sex with him, OR DRY-HUMPING ?!?! According to TMZ, in the suit that was filed the person who named themselves, John Doe says that he has suffered emotional, mental and psychological damage as a result of the relationship. The relationship was in 1996 or 1997. Do these people realize that there is a such thing as statue of limitations? If there looking for money, Kevin Clash has already quit his job, and developed a tainted name. I hope this is the LAST “John Doe”. Drop down bottom for more. JaaiR (JR)