Have You Heard: Temple University Researchers Eliminate HIV Virus From Human Cells

Shortly after the national HIV testing day on June 27th is the one step that may provide a cure. A team of Temple University researchers were able to remove the HIV-1 virus from human cells. “We have a cure for HIV elimination. We have a system to eliminate HIV from the cells in the laboratory,” said Dr. Kamel Khalili, who led the research team. More details below.

How To Remove Tagging From Instagram

Even thought the update just came out, people are already wondering how to disable the feature. Protect yourself from being tagged in photos you don’t like or even tagged in photos you aren’t even in, just like on Facebook.

Where Did All The Trash Cans Go?

Have you ever got off the train with trash hoping to dispose of it but there was not ONE single trash can in site? Annoyed right? Well great news, MTA just removed more trash cans from 8 new stations in hopes of creating a clean travel with less rodents. Is it working New Yorkers? Read more below. Funk Flex

New Jersey Artists Forced To Erase Their Trayvon Martin Mural Because It “Promotes Gang Mentality”

SMH: Five graffiti artists who painted a Trayvon Martin mural in Elmwood Park, New Jersey are being forced to erase their art because town officials and the building inspector claim that it “promotes a gang mentality.” Full story after the jump! Wendy L.

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