On Friday a bizarre video was released of Lamar Odom freestyling while appearing to look under the influence of drugs. In the video Lamar and his friend Jamie Sangouthai were both shirtless as they slurred their words while rapping in a bathroom.
On Friday a bizarre video was released of Lamar Odom freestyling while appearing to look under the influence of drugs. In the video Lamar and his friend Jamie Sangouthai were both shirtless as they slurred their words while rapping in a bathroom.
Man, I thought Lamar was on the right path in the past few weeks. Seemed like he was staying clean and had his head focused on getting back in the NBA. Then this video comes out, smh. Reports say this video may be a few weeks old and it is just now getting leaked, but who really knows. Lamar, who is clearly under some type of drug in the video, along with his ignorant friend adding to it instead of helping, raps about cheating on Khloe when he was out of town, about drugs, and about making money without the NBA. For his sake I hope he can explain this one to potential NBA teams. He looks real bad in the video. I got love for Lamar and I still hope everything works out. Hit the jump for the video.
Ever have that one friend who SWEARS they spit the hottest bars of all time but in all reality they are pure garbage and have absolutely ZERO rapping skills? Well, that would most likely be this guy. While a KNBC Los Angeles reporter by the name of Chris Pecker (that’s his name, don’t laugh) was doing his live broadcast, a struggle emcee straight up stole his microphone and started rapping via live television! However, HE SUCKED!!!!! Check out the hilarious video below.
This may be the greatest thing I’ve seen on the web all week. Who knew Nicole Richie was this funny? Lionel’s little one linked up with AOL for a cute video, following the former reality star as she hit the studio with an upcoming rapper by the name of Ebone Hoodrich, facilitated by her husband and his brother (aka, Benji and Joel from Good Charlotte.) What goes on from there is hilarious. Of course the song is awful, but that’s the point! LOL!
Lil Chance displayed her talents in a video Diddy posted to his Instagram. Chance busts a rap about 3 lil muffins and the result is ridiculously cute. Kids these days! Check out the video after the jump.
These guys!!! How can you not like the Manning brothers?! It reminds me of an SNL skit. Check out this epic Direct TV spot that features Eli & Peyton rapping…it even includes a guest appearance from their dad. #GIANTS Check it out…