Looks like Donald Trump is getting just as upset with the protestors as they are with him. Following the events that took place at the Chicago rally, Trump claims he will press charges against protestors if he has to.
Looks like Donald Trump is getting just as upset with the protestors as they are with him. Following the events that took place at the Chicago rally, Trump claims he will press charges against protestors if he has to.
In light of all the shootings/attacks/bombings thats have been going on in taking the lives of many including students, bystanders, and many innocent people across the globe, Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. encourages everyone to go get their carrier’s permit and be armed on campus. Read the full story after the jump.
As reported yesterday the rallies in Egypt had left 5 dead going into the night, yet it did not end there. Read more after jump
Huge rallies in Egypt are occurring due to some in support of the ousting of the islamist president and others against the act. During the rallies, 5 have already died, while the rallies are still continuing. read more after jump