After a long fight with the French authorities, Twitter has finally agreed to release names of twitter users who post anti-semitic or racist comments on their website. What led to this decision? Click the jump to find out!
After a long fight with the French authorities, Twitter has finally agreed to release names of twitter users who post anti-semitic or racist comments on their website. What led to this decision? Click the jump to find out!
After Oprah’s former co-star from ‘Color Purple’ Rae Dawn Chong RIPPED her a new one, she posted a video giving a half-ass apology for calling Oprah a “field N*gger,” amongst other things. Check out the BS explanation for Chong’s Oprah bashing after the jump.
A man who’s name has yet to be released was apparently throwing back beers at Benny’s Burritos at around 5:30 PM in NYC when he started arguing with a black customer. However, the drunken-fool went TOO FAR and got racial, leading to him getting knocked out cold in the middle of Greenwich Avenue and 12th Avenue.
Whoever was assigned to write the Target “Organization Effectiveness, Employee and Labor Relations Multi-Cultural Tips” needs to be schooled, then fired. This document is nothing but racist, asking management to notice the differences between “Hispanics” and the rest of the staff, including “wearing sombreros” and Mexicans have lower education levels. After employees discovered the document and complained about it, they got fired. Find an piece of the training manual after the jump.
Now this ain’t right….SMH in a new study done by Rasmussen study, simple everyday americans were asked who they “thought” were more racist. Now the outrageous outcome has been turning heads and it isn’t that surprising as we all thought it would be. Hit the jump for more……….