The Walking Dead: 400 Days Is Coming To Major Platforms THIS WEEK!!!

Starting today PlayStation Network users can play The Walking Dead: 400 Days game. The game is suppose to be what happens between season 1 and season 2.

Sony Entertainment Announces It Will Create WHAT?!?!?

Today at Sony’s E3 conference, Michael Lynton the Ceo of Sony Entertainment said the company is working on original programming. With the brand new programing the company will bring unique content exclusively to PlayStation Network and PS4 which will be developed with gamers in mind.

Sony Discounts It’s Favorite Games!!!

Looking to score some of 2012’s hot titles, Sony is currently having a sale from the hottest games from last year. Sony on Tuesday announced the winners of its third-annual PSN Gamers’ Choice Awards, and with the winners comes some sales. Discounts on the titles go all the way up to 50% off the winners. Sony will also award higher discounts to PlayStation Plus members who can receive up to 60% percent off the same titles. After the break check out the titles on sale.

Tech Talk Gaming: Borderlands 2 available on PSN at launch

Borderlands 2 will be available for full download on the release date which is September 21.  The downloads at the moment will be only be available for PSN, now word on Xbox live. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk Gaming: PSN Network Is Down Again!!!

Not because it was hacked though lol. No worries. Hit the jump for details on why and how long it will be down. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk Worst: Check Out The Biggest Tech Fails Of 2011!!!

Well we have looked at some of the best of tech of 2011 so its only right we look at the worst also. I know you could probably name a few companies and gadgets off the top of your head. Hit the jump to see if your choice made the list of tech fails for 2011. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

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