(Video) Bronx Prostitutes Go At It Over Territory

In a recent video, we can see a two women from the Bronx go at it big time over territory. The woman are allegedly prostitutes. We can see other people around them egg the fight on.

Nuns Pose As Prostitutes To Help Rescue Trafficking Victims

Religious nuns pose as prostitutes to help rescue human trafficking victims. These woman will go to 140 countries and buy children to help them escape human trafficking. Talk about brave! These woman are beyond that! Over 1,000 sisters currently work in about 80 countries.

NCAA: Report, Louisville Mens Basketball Team Being Investigated For Using Prostitutes With Recruits

There is a book out there that is accusing the University of Louisville men’s basketball team of some pretty serious things. The woman, self proclaimed “madam” Katina Powell is saying she was paid by an assistant coach to supply players and recruits with numerous women on different occasions. Head coach Rick Pitino said just a short time ago he was “as shocked as we are”.

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