CBS News Comedian Steve Harvey gives his thoughts on the whole Snoop Dogg and President Trump dilemma, after if you don’t know by now, Snoop mock killed the president in his latest music video.
CBS News Comedian Steve Harvey gives his thoughts on the whole Snoop Dogg and President Trump dilemma, after if you don’t know by now, Snoop mock killed the president in his latest music video.
It’s officially Black History Month and President Trump honors the heritage of those who helped shape our country at the White House.
TMZ Screenshot Most recently President Trump is looking to solve the violence in Chicago by sending in the feds to take over if the city doesn’t stop the carnage. Common, a Chi-town native, gives his take on the matter.
PBS NewsHour Youtube First week in office, he’s taking the bull by the horns and looking to take care of one of America’s biggest problems: Chiraq.
(Video) President Trump Calls Madonna “Disgusting” After Terrorist Comments
TMZ Screenshot Madonna probably made the most controversial statement of all time the other day when she said she wanted to blow up the white house. So you’re fighting for a cause for rights, equality, peace, etc., yet you want to do that…