Tech Talk News: Verizon Announces New Unlimited Talk, 1 GB Data Prepaid Plan!!

Not interested in a contract plan with a major wireless company? Well now Verizon Wireless offers a new unlimited talk plan with 1 GB of data for a Samsung smartphone. Hit the jump for details on the device and the plan. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru

Tech Talk Money: Sprint’s iPhone 4S Numbers Are In!!!

It was definitely a time over at Sprint the last few Months, now I didn’t say a good time, cause it’s a mixed bag, apparently there are quite a few costs that comes with launching an iPhone, they took a 1.3 Billion Dollar Net LOSS…WHOA, but after the Jump you can see the upside to all of this. +TatWZA

Tech Talk NEW: MetroPCS And Virgin Mobile Take A Higher Android Approach!!!

So above is the New Android The Samsung Admire, and it is the Very 1st MetroPCS Gingerbread Phone, Android 2.3, I can’t front I have MetroPCS, and I only have Froyo, although I have a 1GHz Processor, and This Admire only has a 800MHz Processor And Virgin Mobile Just hit the store with The Motorola Triumph with a 1GHz Processor, but With Froyo(2.2)….Hit the Jump for Prices! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

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