A stalker is claiming that 8,000 tweets about his target are totally legal! Just because the internet is changing does not mean the definition of a creeper is. Wild details after the jump! Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X Emma RABID
A stalker is claiming that 8,000 tweets about his target are totally legal! Just because the internet is changing does not mean the definition of a creeper is. Wild details after the jump! Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X Emma RABID
I’m pretty sure this is not in the yogurt store job description. The owner put his employee in a sound-proof torture box…in an adult diaper! Details after the jump. Emma RABID
A 22 year old man was charged with a conspiracy to impair the operation of a computer or hinder access to a program or data. He is alleged to be associated with the hacking group Anonymous. Some of their target companies include Ebay, Sony Corp and Visa. Check out the rest of this story after the jump. Tat WZA WZA on Google+
This is a first for me. An Indianapolis woman was high off bath salts of all things and decided to go driving. After causing an accident and fleeing the scene she soon underwent a police chase before crashing into a boulder. Check out the full story on the chase after the jump. @ShottaDru
Ever been stuck in a party bus IN A BAD WAY? This guy has. Good thing he lost his pants or he’d still be there-fresh out of champagne! Details after the jump. Emma Rabid