(Fellas Check The Pics!) Claudia Sampedro Shows Off Her EXTRA Sexy Polaroid Flicks!

Fellas check out these pics of Claudia Sampedro getting real sexy in polaroids!

(Photos) Frank Ocean For Polaroid’s Band Of Outsiders Campaign!!!

Frank Ocean is the latest of celebrities to join the Polaroid Band of Outsiders campaign. Check out the photos in the gallery.

WTF…Is This A Real Life Instagram Camera?!?!

It looks like that concept we saw last year will actually come out. Socialmatic has decided to partner with Polaroid to make a camera based on the Instagram icon that instantly prints out your pictures. There aren’t many details besides the fact that it will have Wi-Fi, 3G, 16GB of storage & be able to share social networks other than just Instagram, but Socialmatic says it promises more next month. The camera isn’t due out until 2014. Peep the video and Gallery after the jump!!

(Video) Tech Talk Device: Polaroid’s BEST Camera Yet??”

I posted on this back in Jan 2011, it was called the GL30, but now the Z340, some of the specs are the same, but you’re gonna have to Hit the Jump to hear my story about it! +TatWZA

Tech Talk Shopping: New Polaroid Printer Available!!!

You can now get the Polaroid printer that Lady Gaga helped promote way back in Jan, My question is can this bring Polaroid back into the game?? @TatWZA

Check Out The New Retro Polariod!!!

Looking like it’s old self, but the Polaroid GL30 is digital, has an adjustable display, and spits out photos in seconds, And I want one!!! No word on date or price yet. @TatWza

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