An ad was shown at the E3 event, which was held yesterday in L.A., that gives step by step instructions on how to share games. Clearly a jab at its competitor Microsoft and its new console Xbox One.
An ad was shown at the E3 event, which was held yesterday in L.A., that gives step by step instructions on how to share games. Clearly a jab at its competitor Microsoft and its new console Xbox One.
Today at Sony’s E3 conference, Michael Lynton the Ceo of Sony Entertainment said the company is working on original programming. With the brand new programing the company will bring unique content exclusively to PlayStation Network and PS4 which will be developed with gamers in mind.
Today, Sony revealed a full look at is new game console PlayStation 4. The new game console is sleek, visually impacted, is cloud based and well have more media.
Today, Electronic Arts announced that the company is creating eleven new games of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms. Some of the titles will be exclusively for Xbox One console.
Sucker Punch has recently released some new screenshots from its upcoming PlayStation 4 game, InFamous: Second Son. The new game features a new city and cast from the other two Infamous installments.