LMAO that had to hurt! We’re allowed to laugh because she only had cuts and bruises but smh…you people need to not be drunk ANYWHERE by yourself! Dangerous…obviously! Check out the video below. Marisa Mendez
LMAO that had to hurt! We’re allowed to laugh because she only had cuts and bruises but smh…you people need to not be drunk ANYWHERE by yourself! Dangerous…obviously! Check out the video below. Marisa Mendez
Is tis a sign they are going to leave the device industry?? I don’t know, but if they do, I called it, And I will add they if they do, they are taking the way of Sega, leaving the Gaming units to only Focus on Games, Smart, Although I always felt like Sega made that move too early, and RIM is taking too long, but any who hit the Jump for what’s going on here! Follow @TatWza +TatWZA
Well this time I’m not sure, but I wanna say I don’t think So. Yesterday Adobe told the world they will no longer put out or support Flash for Mobile devices(And TV’s Too), mostly because HTML5 is the way the web is moving and there is really no need for Flash with HTML5, as it let’s devices view Video. This kinda puts all devices on an even playing field, But RIM does not want to even the playing field, They want the Advantage, They want to keep Flash on the Playbook! Hit the Jump for the statement. +TatWZA