This is some stuff that you usually see on Lifetime! Ivory P, real name, Ivory Charles Pantallion III (I can see why he shortened it!), has been arrested along-side a female partner-in-crime named, Jessica Lynne Morgan. Ivory P, who was stated to be the founder of UGK has been charged with human trafficking. A 19-year-old traveling with the two said that they had taken her cell-phone away, and gave her a prepaid cell – flashback friday. Ivory, Morgan and the teen went from Beaumont, Alabama to Lake Charles, where the teen found that escort ads were being placed online for her services in each city – soliciting her. The young women, “feared for her life,” so she called her mother, disclosed her location, and her mother then called the police who tracked the trio down. Ivory P is being held on a $1MiL bond, and Morgan on $500,000. Tsk Tsk! Hit the jump for the mugshots!