Nike+ Fuelband is On Fire Out Here!! If you’re trying yo lose weight, Or just stay in Shape, and you’re apart of this Mobile Revolution/Post PC World, Then Nike+ Fuelband is where it’s At!!!! I’ll have a full review to let you know How to use it soon, But I need you to Hit the Jump to See Angie Set up hers!!! S/O Dawn Baxter From NIKE!!!!!!!! Follow @TatWza +TatWZA
Tech Talk Study: A Good Facebook Page Can Help You Find A Job!!!
A few people had been actually fired from have offensive pages, certain comments, or lewd photos, were causal for dismissal in some cases, but A Study finds Some interesting facts, IF you have your page set up a certain way, Let me help you, after the Jump. Follow @TatWza +TatWZA