Well Damn! Kanye West Goes APE Sh*t On Kim’s Personal Trainer For WHAT?!

It is no secret what-so-ever that Kanye West has some serious temper issues. Unfortunately, Kim Kardashian’s personal trainer was the latest to feel Yeezy’s wrath. Kim revealed during the latest episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians that she told her trainer she wanted to lose 15 pounds. The trainer than told Kimmy Cakes that she “couldn’t picture her 15 pounds lighter.” Kanye went into a tantrum after he got word that the trainer was not being 100% supportive of his wife’s desired weight loss. “So [Kanye said] we need to get another trainer then, because if I tell you that she needs to lose weight in between her toe[s] you are going to figure out a f****ing toe weight,” Kim said on Kanye’s latest melt-down. Kim definitely does NOT need to lose any weight, but whatevs. #CrazyKanyeStrikesAgain

Personal Trainer Gets Fat On Purpose To Understand The Plight Of The Fat Man

Since May, Drew Manning has gained about 70 pounds on purpose. And he’s not done yet. A personal trainer and has always been the “fit guy.” He’s now on a journey he calls Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit where he spends six months eating unhealthy food and not exercising, then he will take six more months to get fit again. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. @WiL

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