(Video) Police Pepper Spray Seated College Students

On Friday some University of California, Davis students joined the Occupy Wall Street movement by holding a demonstration at their campus. The students peacefully protested by sitting in the college’s quad when they were pepper sprayed by some police officers. One officer showed off his pepper spray before misting the students. According to the police, they gave students three minutes to disperse and when the student’s didn’t they took “necessary” action. Watch the video of the student’s being sprayed after the jump. Julie1205

Occupy Wall St. Pepper-Spray Cop Loses 10 Vacation Days For Violating NYPD Rules

The NYPD has disciplined Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna for pepper-spraying two female protesters. Bologna a mere 10 vacation days for violating departmental guidelines regarding the use of pepper spray and nearly creating mayhem. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. @WiL

Pepper Spray Used On Protesters In DC!!

At a demonstration against U.S. participation in the war in Afghanistan, authorities used pepper spray on a group of protesters trying to enter the National Air and Space Museum, forcing the building to close about two hours early. More after the jump… Wendy L.

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