(Video) Caught On Tape: Confrontation Between Protesters & NYPD

Confrontation Between Protesters & NYPD, Protesters have been going strong since the grand jury decision on the Eric Garner case, although the marches across NYC have been primarily peaceful, at least from the protesters end, the NYPD have allegedly made over 200 Arrests, and the footage below shows how that goes down.

(Video) Ratchet Alert: Wild Hoodrat With “Boss” Chest Tattoo Attacks News Crew With Pepper Spray!

A news team was doing a report on a home evasion in Washington, D.C. when they were viciously attacked by a hoodrat with a “BOSS” tattoo across her chest, a grill in her mouth, and cheetah tats all over her arm (real classy chick we’re dealing with here). She came out of her apartment cursing and yelling “Byeeee Byeeee Byeee” while pepper spraying the reporters. Check out the footage of the craziness below.

(Photos) Pepper Spray For Your Phones

Phone cases can do anything nowadays, a new case allows you to walk around safely. The Spratect case for phones is armed with pepper spray just incase of anything.  Well since some of the Tri-state was and remains in the dark because of the power outages, this may be a good investment for your safety. Hit the jump Tat WZASteph B

(Video) NFL: Pepper Spray Used to End Nightclub Scuffle Involving Browns Safety T.J. Ward

Sabrina B. Cleveland Browns safety T.J. Ward was involved in a VERY heated dust-up outside a L.A. nightclub early Monday morning … so intense that security discharged their pepper spray to control the situation. 

Tech Talk Crime: Black Friday Shopper Who Allegedly Pepper Sprayed Customers Over an X-Box Turns Herself In!!

Police had been searching for the woman who made the news for pepper spraying people during the Black Friday chaos in a California Wal-Mart yesterday but tonight she finally turned herself in. Crazy right?? More details after the jump!! Wendy L. x TatWza

(Photo) The Image Everyone’s Talking About: Cop Sprays Oakland Protester In The Face!!!

Earlier today we showed you a disturbing video of cops pepper-spraying peaceful protesters at the University of California and now a photo of a police man spraying an Oakland woman in the face has gone viral. Hit the jump for more details and to see the pic! Wendy L.

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