(18+ PHOTO) Sports: C’mon Man! Fan Pulls Out His Junk & Pees on Yankee Stadium In Front of Everyone!

Yoooooo, c’mon son!  Damn it man, some fans really need to learn how to hold their liquor.  SMH. You should be ashamed of yourself — for more than one reason (LOL).  Some Rangers fan whipped out his penis and peed in front of everyone on the Yankee Stadium concourse.  Seriously?!  Gotta do better people…

(Photos) Classy: Justin Bieber Pees His Initials In The Snow In Colorado

And Justin Bieber continues to piss the world off! Literally! In the midst of a leaked text message scandal with ex Selena Gomez, drug abuse allegations and pending felony charges for egging his neighbor’s house, more drama has popped up that portrays the Biebs in a negative light. According to an eyewitness, Justin and his crew were driving in Snowmass, CO, yesterday when they pulled to the side of a private road in a wealthy residential area for him to relieve himself. He hopped out and peed in the snow while surrounded by bodyguards, leaving behind a lovely “JB” in the snow (above.) Oh, Justin…so classy!

(18+*Video) Caught On Tape: Woman Gets Water Blasted For Peeing On Property

Lmao, this is funny as hell! I can’t tell if she was caught or set up, but either way she was NOT expecting the 1960′ water hose action!!

(Photos) Whoa! If You Didn’t Know Draya Is A FREAK In Bed, Ya Know Now!

Last night, a rather ‘taboo’ bedroom topic (depending on who you ask, of course) floated across model/reality star Draya Michele’s timeline, and she decided to add her take on it. In so many words, the beautiful ‘Fine A$$ Girls’ creator revealed she’s definitely open to it, but there are some conditions that must be met. Find out what in the gallery! Are YOU into this sort of thing? I am pleading the fifth. Ha!

(Video) NFL: GROSS! This NFL Player Did WHAT During Each Game??

I guess I get what he was trying to do, but did he have to go about it in this way? That is how I feel after hearing former Dolphins linebacker Channing Crowder used to pee himself during every game he played. Why you ask? He hoped it would keep other players on the offense away from him and make it easy to make tackles on the ball carrier. I mean who would want to touch a guy that has pee all over his pants and legs. I am assuming that NFL players just don’t care though, because Crowder was never an elite player with jaw dropping tackles. He was still getting blocked. I wonder what other nasty things players do. Hit the jump for the video.

(Videos) NFL: GROSS!! Fan Eats His Beard & Another Fan Drinks His Pee After Losing Bets!

You gotta pay up on your bets if you take an L, but why in the world would you make a bet like these two idiots?! YUCK!!!  One fan had to eat his beard since the Redskins lost and another had to drink his pee because his team (the Texans) made a comeback.  If you really want to see it, hit the jump…

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