PBS Explains “Trolls” In Plain English [Video]

Too much tragedy has come out of cyber bullying. The screen separates the face-to-face contact causing people to speak with less discretion. Words you wouldn’t dare say to anyones face, people will take to the web or social media to bully, or torment someone with mean, hurtful comments; also known as ‘Trolls’. PBS made a video in the hopes of shedding positive light on these terrible behaviors. Jump for video… Tat Wza

(Video) Obama: “Elmo Watch Out Romney’s Comin’ For You!”

This Sesame Street reference has gotten out of hand! In response to Mitt Romney’s “solution” to the national debt (his proposed funding-cuts of PBS) President Obama told Elmo and Big Bird they better watch out! Click below to view video. Eloisa Melo

Sesame Street Has A Message For Romney “We Can All Agree That Everyone Likes Big Bird”

Mitt Romney hit a speed bump or just lost train of thought last night after he hinted at the killing of Big Bird. This is Big Bird we’re talking about, why would you target PBS out of all the things wrong with this country? Sesame Street is part of growing up and has been part of our lives for 43 years. Click below to find out more. Funk Flex

Tech Talk Hacked: Citigroup Has Been Hacked!!!

I just referred to Cloud Systems as “CloudMania“, but the HackMania thats been going on is def out of control, Sony hacked more times then I can count, and so many other big companies, everything from lockhead-martin, to PBS has been cyberly touched up! And Now Citigroup, which is a major financial institute, has now been touched up, Hit the jump for some details. @TatWZA

Tupac’s Back????? And In New Zealand!!

Rumors spread quickly on the net that Tupac was back and in New Zealand this weekend when a PBS web story went out stating that Pac was spotted. The fake news story read:

Prominent rapper Tupac has been found alive and well in a small resort in New Zealand, locals report. The small town – unnamed due to security risks – allegedly housed Tupac and Biggie Smalls (another rapper) for several years. One local, David File, recently passed away, leaving evidence and reports of Tupac’s visit in a diary, which he requested be shipped to his family in the United States. “We were amazed to see what David left behind,” said one of sisters, Jasmine, aged 31. “We thought it best to let the world know as we feel this doesn’t deserve to be kept secret.”

PBS has said that they were hacked and that Tupac is in fact dead… @Ash_Bankz

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