Google cant keep itself out of trouble with the courts as of late. Seems as if the FTC is looking into Google’s acquisitionof Motorola and investigating if Google is blocking any industry standard technology. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA
Google cant keep itself out of trouble with the courts as of late. Seems as if the FTC is looking into Google’s acquisitionof Motorola and investigating if Google is blocking any industry standard technology. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA
Two nurses in Utah were fired earlier in the week when it was discovered that they put tape over one of their patient’s mouth! The patient was in the intensive care unit while being treated for nausea and anxiety from medication and her teeth were chattering a bit too loud of the nurses to deal with. Instead of dealing with the incident like professionals, the nurses simply taped the patient’s mouth shut while joking that they would be fired if they got caught, SMH!! Reads more after the jump. Julie1205
At least six HIV-positive people have died after evangelical churches in Britain told them to stop taking their medication because they had been healed by God. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. @WiLMajor