(Photos) Here’s Your Weekly IFWT Celeb Flix Fix!

If you want to get a weekly recap of what your favorite celebrities did the past week, here’s your chance to get all the pics in one post. Every week IFWT is going to provide you with the hottest celeb flicks…so hit the jump to get your weekly In Flex We Trust Celeb Flix Fix! Ash_Bankz

Paris Hilton’s New Boyfriend Arrested After Allegedly Punching The Boyfriend Of A Girl Paris Made Out With

Paris Hilton is entirely too grown to still be involved in these types of antics. Let’s not even mention the fact she has a new boyfriend every 6 months! Well, I guess I just mentioned it, huh? Anyway, let’s spill the latest tea. Word is that Paris and her newest squeeze River Viiperi (a 21 year old model) hit up a Las Vegas club late last night. Paris got some drinks in her and was well, just being Paris, and apparently got to making out with a fellow female club goer. MOST men would think this is “hot” (*Paris voice), but clearly not River! Since it’d be even more inappropriate to punch a girl, he decided to take his fury out on the next best thing…her boyfriend. Details on the incident below. Marisa Mendez

(Photo) Paris Hilton Tries To Gain Back The Homosexual Community

Remember when Paris Hilton was caught insulting the gay community? Yes we do too and now she’s trying to show her support and get on their good side again. Although you wouldn’t believe how , it wasn’t anything major , but actually really minor. Hit the jump Steph B

(Fellas Check The NSFW Pics!!) 18 Celeb Nip-Slips!!

Celebrity nip-slips are their misfortune, but for our viewing pleasure!! Check out 18 celeb nip-slips from Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and more below!! All are NSFW, so keep that in mind!! Funk Flex

(Photo) Paris Hilton Vacation In Maui

I guess Paris needed a quick getaway after her gay rant! Click below to see pictures of her and her new model boufriend in Maui! Eloisa Melo

Paris Hilton Apologizes For Comments About Gay Men

Earlier this month, Paris Hilton was caught saying some horrible things about gay men. The heiress pretty much said that she would be afraid to be a gay man because most of them have AIDS and will die while she was being recorded by an NYC cab driver. Now Paris is attempting to apologize for her comment but it might be too little, too late. Ms. Hilton said that the conversation with a gay friend, which she didn’t know was being recorded by a NYC cab driver, were not aimed at the entire gay community. Read more below. Julie A.

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