Whether you loved, hated, or were offended by him at the Oscars, Seth MacFarlane has been looking dapper–and people have noticed! Seth Confessions is a Tumblr started by a Seth lover to share with other Seth lovers some of their darkest Seth fantasies. Some of these are racy so check them out after the jump.
When Will It END ??? Seems Like Rihanna & Chris Brown Have Beef With Yet ANOTHER Person !!!
What happens when you mix a character apart of “Family Guy” and the ‘Oscars’ together ??? MADNESS is what !!! Seth MacFarlane is is known for controversy. He’s a character who more than a few people would love to attach a muzzle to. This time, I’m sure the people that would greatly appreciate the honor is RiRi and Chris. While taking part at the Oscars as HOST, MacFarlane shared a tasteless and awkward joke. I mean, “Law & Order: SVU” has taken their incident and turned it into sheer entertainment, why not more scrutiny. Drop down bottom to see what Seth said.