Nine Killed, More Than 20 Injured In Charter Bus Crash In Oregon

A Charter bus headed for Vancouver, Canada crashed with some 40 passengers killing 9 and wounding countless more after the bus driver lost control on a patch of snow/ice. After the bus lost control it skidded down an embankment before sliding to a stop. The bus went through a guard rail and dropped about 200 feet down the side of a hill, officials are still trying to confirm the number of injuries after an incident like this it becomes increasingly difficult with people being rushed to hospitals for immediate attention. Hit the jump for more. PaulDaPro

At Least Two People Killed In Deadly Mall Shooting In Oregon!

This is so tragic, especially around the holidays… At least two people have reportedly died during a mall shooting today that happened near Portland, Oregon. The shooter dressed up in a plastic mask and opened fire in the mall. Click below for more details. Melissa

Man Robs Bank Just Hours After Prison Release

Christopher Franklin Weaver was arrested on Thursday and charged with Federal Bank robbery just hours after he was released from an Oregon prison. He was released in an effort to clear out some overcrowded under budget prisons but it seems like they clearly missed on this one. 30 inmates were released along with Weaver on Thursday from the Lane County Jail in Eugene, Oregon. I wonder if he knew he was just going to go back in or if he actually thought he could get away with this one. Hit the jump for more. PaulDaPro

NCAA: Check Out the Latest BCS Rankings After Crazy Upsets!

College football was completely insane this week with upsets.  Now the BCS race is shook up, check out the latest standings after the jump. Shay Marie

First Tsunami Wave Hits Hawaii After Canadian Earthquake

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake off the coast of western Canada has created the first Tsunami wave this morning in Hawaii. The wave was over 5 feet tall and lasted about 45 minutes but has not done any damage. Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie said that the Tsunami warning last night forced people to evacuate and now the warning has dropped down to a watch. The first Tsunami waves are always the smallest so Hawaii is not in the clear yet and it could be another seven hours before another wave hits. Alaska, Oregon, and California are also under tornado watch. Read more below. Julie A. x TatWza

Woman Contracted Plague From Saving Cat

A woman contracted the plague from saving a choking cat in June. The woman from Oregon has recovered from the disease-stricken cat. The plague is the disease that wiped out millions during the Middle Ages. Click below to read more. Jason J.

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