Sports: “Me Like Steak” Aaron Rodgers & Ryan Braun Open Restaurant Together

Sabrina B. At this point, there have been dozens, probably even hundreds, of athletes who have tried opening up restaurants. Everyone from Brett Favre and Tony Hawk to Michael Jordan and Mike Ditka have used their household names to break into the restaurant business, to very mixed results.

NFL: Betty White Is Ready For MNF! She Will Open The Falcons-Saints Game Tonight

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl The season finale of ESPN’s Monday Night Football falls during the holiday so it’s no surprise our production team was dreaming of a “White” Christmas in planning the open for this week’s Falcons-Saints game. A Betty White Christmas, that is.

Tech Talk Event: Apple’s Grand Central Station Store Grand Opening Friday!!!

We told you it was coming, even showed someone sneak in to the unfinished space and tape it for a great before, But This Friday, it’s ready for the Public! Hit the Jump to find out what time. +TatWZA

Tech Talk Open: iPass Wants You To Have FREE WiFi!!!!

How annoying is it to see bunches of WiFi accounts around you all locked up?? Well iPass Wants everybody to just have WiFi, They want all carriers to get along and move in the same direction, which I’m all for, but I don’t know if it will happen. Hit the Jump for Details. Tat WZA

Google Now Finds What’s Open!!!

This is Pretty easy, if the business is Open, whether closed for the night, or Foreclosure due to the economy, Google will let you know if said business is Open! Clean right? I think so too. @TatWza

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