(Video) George Zimmerman Calls Trayvon Shooting “Divine Order” and Blasts Obama

Wow (SMH), this is his story and he’s sticking to it: George Zimmerman Calls Trayvon Shooting “Divine Order” and Blasts Obama in the first interview seen since being cleared of any convictions as well as any possibility of a civil rights charge. This is some deep (SMH)!

Trolling Hard: Fox 5 News Labels Obama As a Rape Suspect

Trolling Hard: Fox 5 News Labels Obama As a Rape Suspect. Now if you don’t live under a rock, you know that Fox 5 news and all its anchors are anti-Obama. Check out the video after the jump!

(Video) Iowa Republicans Think Beyonce is “Mental Poison”

Could the “Queen Bey” be a debate topic in the next presidential elections??? Seems like more and more politicians can’t keep her name out of their mouths and now Iowa Republicans Think Beyonce is “Mental Poison” after the claim was made by Republican and former GOP candidate Mike Huckabee.

(Video) Obama Responds: Man Who Crashed Drone Into White House Says He Was Drinking

So we’re going with the “Blame It On the Alcohol” on this one…Obama has responded about the incident which has drawn the Secret Service, Defense Department and “National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency” together after it’s been revealed the Man Who Crashed Drone Into White House Says He Was Drinking.

ISIS Makes Threats Toward Obama and Japanese & Jordanian Hostages

3 new videos that surfaced over the weekend from ISIS takes aim at our President, threatening Obama as well as pledging to kill Jordanian and Japanese hostages if a hostage held by Jordan is not freed. One video was discovered by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) on Tuesday, and shows three Islamic State fighters stand behind a kneeling Kurdish fighter as one of the extremists launches into a diatribe against the U.S. and other Western nations. “Know, oh Obama, that will reach America,” says one of the fighters, in a translation from Arabic provided by MEMRI. “Know also that we will cut off your head in the White House, and transform America into a Muslim Province.”

(Video) Updates & Summary of State of The Union Address

Tuned-Up and Tuned-In: The nation was live for the Head of State’s big top of the year speech. The Live Stream, Updates & Summary of State of The Union Address went down with the POTUS looking relaxed, confident and energizing his words more than we’ve seen. With a lot of disappointment over only brief mentions of #BlackLivesMatter issues (Twitter-verse ready in waiting for the ‘State of the Black Union’ #SOBU), MUCH was said over what was not said. Is it Obama ‘for the win’ or nah???

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