South Korean activists have begun to flood the North with containers of socks flown in by balloon. Watch the video! @steveisDOPE
South Korean activists have begun to flood the North with containers of socks flown in by balloon. Watch the video! @steveisDOPE
Apparently, Cellphones are not overly popular in North Korea to Begin with, since only 1 Million People(5% of the Country even have Cell Phones)….Hit the Jump/ Follow @TatWza +TatWZA
One man literally STOOD out from the rest of the onlookers at former North Korean leader Kim Jong II’s funeral procession this week and the photo has the media buzzing! Who is this giant man? Some commenters say it could be Ri “Michael” Myung Hun (North Korea’s NBA star) but because of the country’s strictly controlled media, chances are we will never know. If you have any clue who it may be, let us know!! Hit the jump to see the giant!! Wendy L.
North Korea staged a fittingly over-the-top state funeral for its leader in front of tens of thousands of wailing citizens and soldiers. Mourners lined the capital city’s wide boulevards, howling in grief and stamping their feet in a dramatic show of sorrow. Click below to read the rest of the story. @WiLMajor
State television from Pyongyang (the North Korean capital) has confirmed that its leader, Kim Jong Il, has died at the age of 69. More after the jump! Wendy L.